Holistic Massage Therapy uses basically Swedish Massage techniques and Holistic Approach- treatment that treats ‘whole’ person’s physical, psychological, nutrition, environment and stress related problems.
Physical problems are treated with Swedish Massage performed on the clients body- accordingly they problem as massage stimulates temporarily pain relief, release tension, stress relief, relaxation, lowered body temperature and clients mood, condition of the skin is improved.
Psychological problems are treated due the effect of massage which relaxes the mind and stimulates mental relaxation, relief from day to day pressures, lifting effect on emotions, feeling of being pampered and nurtured, increase of energy levels and awareness, invigorating.
By filling in consultation form therapist will have a clear picture of your diet and will be able to give you some nutrition advises to improve your health and wellbeing.
Therapist will help you to see bigger picture of your environment problems that affect your wellbeing by using Integral Biology- study of our environments effect on our physical and mental health. There are lot of factors that affect Integral Biology: